Botox Dermal Fillers for Men and Women

How Botox Works

First, a few drops of Botox are injected (with a tiny needle) into the muscle that creates the wrinkle. When Botox is injected into a muscle, it freezes the nerve impulse from reaching that area, and as a result, the muscle weakens. As the muscle weakens, the skin overlying the muscle relaxes and the wrinkles in the skin gradually soften and often disappear. If a specific muscle can’t move, it cannot move, it cannot cause a wrinkle Here at Aesthetic Dental Zone, Our Anti-wrinkle treatments are carried out by Dr A R Nadjafi. He has extensive experience in facial rejuvenation treatments, having successfully completed well over 1,000 anti-wrinkle treatments. Dr Nadjafi has developed his facial rejuvenation techniques which are painless and give a natural looking result. For his anti-wrinkle treatments, he uses Azzalure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Reduces or eliminates wrinkles without surgery.
  • Corrects underlying muscles (as opposed to the skin’s surface as peels do)
  • No sedation or anaesthesia is needed; however, you may choose to have the area numbed with an anaesthetic cream or a cold pack prior to injecting.
  • Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Most patients compare the sensation to a pin prick and treatment takes only a few minutes.

To book your consultation with one of our highly experienced dental surgeons please call and a member of our friendly receptionists will be happy to help you. Alternatively you can email us at:

Botox Aesthetic Dental Zone

Dermal Fillers for “Men and Women”

Dermal fillers represent a non-surgical way to address this issue for the loss of facial volume  facial volume (you put it twice). The results are a natural, more youthful look, with softer facial contours and a healthier appearance. The newest and safest dermal filler is Hyaluronic Acid (H.A). It is injected not only to fill lines (e.g. Laughter lines and Marionette lines) but to also volumize and to re-establish the youthful contour of the skin.

RestyLane dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid dermal fillers applied under the skin to smooth away wrinkles and fill up specific facial areas. Hyaluronic acid fillers are similar to collagen but last longer (up to 12 months) and do not require skin testing for allergies. RestyLane is made by Allergan, a well-respected company that is also the makers of Botox. RestyLane Dermal Fillers are FDA-approved

The advantage of RestyLane dermal fillers is that they naturally attract water molecules and hydrate the skin by holding in water and acting as a cushioning agent. This is what gives a smoother, healthier glow to the skin and creates a filling effect long after the actual RestyLane filler is injected. RestyLane fillers are placed slightly deeper into the skin because they are thicker and last longer.

Dermal Fillers are used for

  • Nasolabial folds – these lines are formed by smiling and deepen with age. RestyLane can make them virtually disappear!
  • Marionette folds – these lines go down from the corners of the mouth
  • Other folds – deep frown furrows, smoker’s lines, chin lines, etc
    Dermal Filler Aesthetic Dental Zone

To book a Dermal Filler Consultation please call and a member of our friendly reception team will be happy to help you

Lip Fillers with amazing results!

Lip Filler Aesthetic Dental Zone

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